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Race selections have changed!!

Fri Aug 28 23:30:59 2009 To: all In accordance to our new lore and concept, the races have been revamped to only include the races we will actually have in play.  All player files have been updated to reflect “Human” if you had any race other than the new acceptable races. As a token, if […]

Introduction of the Dragons Lair

Introduction of the Dragons Lair

Dare to take on the Dragons Lair?  Ever since the Ancients war a new race has emerged, far more deadly than previous races.  The Dragons!   6 Elder Dragons have now started calling Alucinor their home, their followers are wrecking havoc, do you have what it takes to remove these vile creatures?

Chapter 3: Age of Renewal

Chapter 3: Age of Renewal

This is our current Chapter so therefore it is currently being written

Chapter 2: War of the Ancients

Chapter 2: War of the Ancients

It was rumored the One that Noble Men simply called “Wisdom” brought forth the prophecy. Whispers of it ran rampant through the lands until it dissolved into legand being handed down from generation to generation. The dream spoke of an era of Peace and Honor and the Rise of the Fabled Ancients, a class of […]

Chapter 1: The Horizon

Chapter 1: The Horizon

The Horizon chronologise the first 1000 years of Alucinor.

Relaunch soon

Relaunch soon

We will be relaunching the mud soon with a complete array of new toolsets and features.  Please stop back by very soon!

Damage Options

Tue Feb 21 05:50:46 2006 To: all By: Seronis add a new group to the ‘set’ command labeled options. currently you can: set option dambase set option damspell for either damage option the value should be a number from 1 to 1000 and it stands for the percent multiplier for that damage category. This effect […]